In English and Chinese 中英⽂詩會
(A Two Languages/One Community 兩種語⾔/⼀個社群 Project)
Wednesday, September 11, 6-7:30 PM, 447 Minna Street, San Francisco
Free – Light Food and Drinks will be served

GENNY LIM, San Francisco’s Poet Laureate (2024- )
TONGO EISEN MARTIN, San Francisco Poet Laureate (2021-2024)
CHUN YU, Poet/Editor/Translator, San Francisco Public Library Laureate (2023)
MICHAEL WARR, Poet/Editor, San Francisco Public Library Laureate (2017 & 2023)
Each poet will share poems from the anthology manuscript “Together in Poetry,” a project of Two Languages/One Community (TLOC) which was co-founded by Michael Warr and Chun Yu
who translated all the poems into Chinese. She will recite select poems by the featured poets in Chinese.
More info on TLOC:
Supported by the San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC).