Poetry Reading

Poetry at Albion Hall

Sunday, November 17, 2024, 4:00 pm

A Sunday afternoon reading featuring eight poets:

Genny Lim, current San Francisco Poet Laureate,

Giovanna Lomanto

Kim Shuck, 7th San Francisco Poet Laureate

David Gorin, Winner of the 2023 Emily Dickinson Award

Deborah Bachels Schmidt

NSAA (Lawrence Dinkins, Jr)

Rebecca Lee Whiting

Bob Stanley, Sacramento Poet Laureate, 2009-2012

With musical accompaniment by Mike Shea on bass

Seating is limited.

Please make your reservation at

Suggested donation $20 per person

All donations will benefit two Bay Area literary organizations:

Colossus Press


The Ina Coolbrith Circle

Note: Donations may be made directly to these organizations, or you may donate at the door.

To support the work of Colossus Press, please donate at

To support Ina Coolbrith Circle, please send a check to

Gayle Eleanor, Treasurer

1245 Pine Creek Way, #J

Concord, CA 94520

(please indicate “Albion Poetry” on check)

Note: Parking is very difficult, we recommend ridesharing or public transit. 16th Street/Mission is the nearest BART station.

Featured Poets

Genny Lim was born in San Francisco, and she earned a BA and an MA from San Francisco State University. Lim earned a certificate in broadcast journalism from Columbia University and later worked as a reporter, producer, and commentator for CBS News. Lim is the author of the poetry collections Winter Place (1989), Child of War (2003), and Paper Gods and Rebels (2013). Her work appears in the Oxford Book of Women’s Writing in the United States (1995), and Island: Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island (1980). Lim is the winner of the 1981 American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation. In 1982, she founded a theater company, Paper Angels Productions, now known as Theatre XX, a company that performs experimental theater. Lim has taught at the New College of California, and her papers are held at UC Santa Barbara. She was named Poet Laureate of San Francisco’s in August 2024.

David Gorin is the author of To a Distant Country, selected by Jennifer Chang for the Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship and forthcoming in 2024. His writing received the 2023 Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Society of America. He holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and a BA, MA, and MPhil in English Literature from Yale University. He has taught creative writing and literature at Deep Springs College, Stanford Continuing Studies, the MacDougall-Walker Correctional Institution (via the Yale Prison Education Initiative), Eastern Correctional Facility (via the Bard Prison Initiative), and Yale.

Kim Shuck is a poet, visual artist, and educator. She is solo author of eleven books, part of editing another eleven. Shuck served as the 7th Poet Laureate of San Francisco.

Deborah Bachels Schmidt has published five chapbooks, including Stumbling into Grace, published by Orchard Street Press. She is co-author of Love’s Meditation from Random Lane Press). Her work has appeared in journals including Blue Unicorn, California QuarterlyThe Exacting Clam, and The MacGuffin, as well as in numerous anthologiesShe has earned awards from the Coolbrith Circle, the Soul-Making Keats Literary Competition, and Orchard Street Press. This year her poems won grand prizes in the Poets’ Dinner and the Dancing Poetry Festival. 

NSAA (Lawrence Dinkins, Jr.) was born in Detroit and moved to California in the 1990s. He studied writing at Sacramento City College and has been writing and performing his poetry for over twenty years. Lawrence served on the board of the Sacramento Poetry Center, and he has hosted dozens of Sacramento poetry events at both Mahogany Urban Poetry and Luna’s Café. Lawrence published Open Mic Sketchbook and And It Is Beautiful with little m press, and his selected poems, Warrior Poet, was published by Random Lane Press in 2019.

Giovanna Lomanto is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and dog costume contest judge (ask her about it), who has published 3 poetry collections, 2 chapbooks, and an art book with various small presses. A recent MFA graduate from NYU, she currently serves as the co-publisher of the indie press Game Over Books and the lead curator of LitQuake’s QTBIPOC event series. Her work can be found in the SFMOMA, KQED, and the bookshelves of her friend’s homes.

Rebecca Lee Whiting has published her poetry in many independent literary magazines and presses including Prometheus DreamingColossus: Freedom, and Colossus:Body.. She has served as an editor for Colossus Press, an Oakland-based literary nonprofit press that funds good works with good art. Rebecca studied creative writing at Bennington College and has a BA from Yale, an MA from the Courtauld Institute, and a JD from UC Berkeley. A Los Angeles native, these days she splits her time between Sea Ranch and San Francisco with her partner and their goldendoodle, Justice.

Bob Stanley has published two books from CW Press, Miracle Shine (2012), and Language Barrier (2024). He has organized poetry events in Northern California for over 40 years, and he served as Sacramento’s fifth Poet Laureate from 2009 to 2012. With his wife Joyce Hsiao, Bob leads online poetry classes and manages Random Lane Press, a small publisher, from their home in Sacramento.

Mike Shea, bass, has played in numerous jazz groups over the years, including a duo with vocalist Michelle Abby, and both a trio and a quintet featuring vocalist Mike Biber. Mr. Shea has performed with poets Lawrence Dinkins and Bob Stanley at the Sacramento Poetry Center, and he played bass in the group that provided accompaniment for a 12-hour performance of Homer’s Iliad at Grace Cathedral in 2023.


Why The Caged Bird Sings

San Francisco Public Library’s 19th One City One Book: San Francisco Reads selection, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

This One City One Book title was chosen with the unveiling of the new monument honoring Dr. Angelou, Portrait of a Phenomenal Woman by Lava Thomas, on the front steps of the Main Library overlooking Civic Center. This is the first monument commemorating a Black woman in San Francisco’s Civic Art Collection and is the foundation of an entire Citywide celebration of Dr. Angelou this year. 

At the monument’s dedication ceremony on September 19, 2024, San Francisco Poet Laureate Genny Lim delivered this poem dedicated to Dr. Maya Angelou.

Why the Caged Bird Sings
For Maya Angelou

If you’re going to die this evening,
 what will you do in the time that remains?
                                    -Mahmoud Darwish

Why does the caged bird sing?
She sings when darkness falls
Not waiting for tomorrow’s call
Why does the caged bird sing?
She sings because she does not wait
for the sun to lift her from her fate
or some quick fix or court of law to
save her from the lyncher’s claw
This bird waits for no one
Her flight to freedom’s never done
To be dragged by hatred’s chain
Hell no, that’s not her game
She is not invisible
She is indivisible
Like the sun that rises on her
Black, Brown and Yellow sisters
who stand proud and tall beside her
She knows that life is an unmade bed
ready for love any day or weather
So why does the caged bird sing?
She knows that freedom rings
with whatever joy you bring
and If you’re going to die this evening
what will you do in the time that remains?
That’s why the caged bird sings

© 2024 Genny Lim

Music Performance Poetry

Haiti Solidarity @ La Peña

A Concert and Fundraiser October 6, 2024, 6pm

La Peña, 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley

Join us for an evening of beautiful music and cultural performances as we raise funds for the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund.

Today, the situation in Haiti could not be more dire. Government backed paramilitary groups continue to terrorize opposition neighborhoods. Six hundred thousand people have had to flee their homes in the wake of this violence. Food insecurity now threatens nearly 5 million people, including 2.4 million children, in a country of 12 million.

Donations to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund go directly to grassroots organizations in Haiti that are the hope for Haiti’s future. Your funds support internal refugees who have been driven from their homes as well as those fleeing Haiti. They help sustain grassroots women’s organizations, mobile health clinics and literacy programs in Haiti’s poorest communities. Your donations will help support the University of the Dr. Aristide Foundation (UNIFA), which has opened a new teaching hospital under the most challenging conditions. And your funds will aid the growth of independent community-based media, so critical in a society where the rich control almost all sources of information.

For more information:

Poetry Reading

Together In Poetry

In English and Chinese 中英⽂詩會
(A Two Languages/One Community 兩種語⾔/⼀個社群 Project)

Wednesday, September 11, 6-7:30 PM, 447 Minna Street, San Francisco
Free – Light Food and Drinks will be served


GENNY LIM, San Francisco’s Poet Laureate (2024- )
TONGO EISEN MARTIN, San Francisco Poet Laureate (2021-2024)
CHUN YU, Poet/Editor/Translator, San Francisco Public Library Laureate (2023)
MICHAEL WARR, Poet/Editor, San Francisco Public Library Laureate (2017 & 2023)

Each poet will share poems from the anthology manuscript “Together in Poetry,” a project of Two Languages/One Community (TLOC) which was co-founded by Michael Warr and Chun Yu
who translated all the poems into Chinese. She will recite select poems by the featured poets in Chinese.

More info on TLOC:

Supported by the San Francisco Arts Commission (SFAC).


San Francisco Poet Laureate Announcement

Mayor London Breed invites you to the announcement and celebration of San Francisco’s Ninth Poet Laureate GENNY LIM

Friday, September 6, 4PM; Asian Art Museum, Samsung Hall, San Francisco, CA

Web Gallery
Mayor London Breed and Genny Lim, 9th Poet Laureate of San Francisco
Mayor London Breed and Genny Lim, 9th Poet Laureate of San Francisco

San Francisco Public Library San Francisco Poet Laureate Chronology

S.F.’s first Chinese American poet laureate is ‘positive’ she won’t be the last – Genny Lim, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, said she wants to make San Francisco the “mecca” of world poetry.

San Francisco Chronicle, August 31, 2024

Jessica Christian/The Chronicle

Following an acclaimed career, Genny Lim, 77, will become San Francisco’s first Chinese American poet laureate during a Sept. 6 ceremony at the Asian Art Museum.

首位華裔:詩人林小琴Genny Lim榮獲舊金山桂冠詩人獎 8.30(國)/ The first Chinese American: Poet Genny Lim appointed as San Francisco Poet Laureate 8.30 (USA)

KTSF Channel 26, August 30, 2024

舊金山首位華裔桂冠詩人林小琴, 父親當年是所謂的Paper son 9.02(國)/ San Francisco’s first Chinese-American poet laureate Lin Xiaoqin, her father was a “Paper son” 9.02 (USA)

KTSF Channel 26, September 2, 2024

Genny Lim: Lingua madre / Mothertongue. La poesia della settimana (24/2024). Sergio Iagulli on La poesia della settimana (24/2024).

Festeggiamo con gioia l’imminente conferimento del titolo di “poeta laureato” della città di San Francisco alla nostra straordinaria amica Genny Lim. Poetessa cino-inuit-statunitense, figlia di immigrati cinesi che hanno vissuto esclusioni, razzismo e deportazioni, è una delle più belle voci della poesia statunitense e della jazz-poetry. Buddista e profondamente impegnata per i diritti delle donne e delle minoranze, studiosa di tradizioni e mistica orientale, rappresenta un’avvincente incrocio tra culture orientali ed occidentali fuse nella sua storia personale e nella sua poesia…

We celebrate with joy the imminent award of the title of “poeta laureate” of the city of San Francisco to our extraordinary friend Genny Lim. Chinese-Inuit-US poet, the daughter of Chinese immigrants who have experienced exclusions, racism and deportations, is one of the most beautiful voices of American poetry and jazz-poetry. Buddhist and deeply committed to the rights of women and minorities, a scholar of Eastern traditions and mysticism, it represents a compelling cross between Eastern and Western cultures merged in its personal history and poetry…

S.F. picks first Chinese American poet laureate

SF Chronicle (eedition), September 5, 2024

San Francisco’s newest Poet Laureate Genny Lim stands for a portrait at her daughter’s home in Orinda, California Thursday, Aug. 29, 2024. Lim is the first Chinese American to hold the position. Photo by Jessica Christian.

Following an acclaimed career, Genny Lim, 77, will become San Francisco’s first Chinese American poet laureate during a ceremony Friday at the Asian Art Museum.

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